Friday, November 7, 2008

They say it happens in threes...

I have three kids.

Each is unique and each feels they need to keep me tied up in knots in their own special way.

7:00 am ~ I got to work, checked my email and Daughters grades are here. Not so flattering. That feeling I got earlier in the week when she said "no homework tonight, I did it at school"... I shoulda listened.

9:00 am ~ School calls. Apparently Son punched some kid on the school bus this morning because the kid called him a baby. Not good. I'm a little conflicted at this point. I dont want him to be picked on, but yet, I dont want him to be a bully either. How about let's just sit quietly with our hands in our laps all the way to school? When you get home you can hit your sister. Geeze!

11:00 am ~ Grown Daughter calls. From the airport. She's catching a plane to Washington to see her army boyfriend. You have got to be kidding me. No ride, no plans, no money, just winging it. Before I quit reeling from that, Husband steps in to tell me they're probably getting married before he ships out to Iraq. This can not be. Problem is, they both think their military salary will double if they marry - never mind they might never see each other deployed to different parts of the world.


Excedrine. Need more.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I sincerely dont feel like anything today. So Obama won. I can't be happy for him because I'm so sad for all the deceived people who voted for him thinking it was going to get them something. Sad truth is - it's not.


Hey! Guess what's coming? Just 50 Days.

I'd better get crackin. I really have high hopes of things being different this year. I long for the old time, long forgotten Christmas of the past. I'd like to do less rushing around, and more enjoying my children. Less gift wrap and a happier family.

*several hours passed by*

I considered writing how I really feel but I just can't. This window still sits open on my desk and I just cant bring myself to explain. My head hurts, I'm super-pissed at my husband, and I just really want to go home. I can't remember a time I more wanted to go home since 9/11.

Counting the minutes.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's not really...

...that he doesn't want to hear what I have to say, it's more like he just has his own "stuff" and can't handle mine. That's not entirely a bad thing, but hey. I've got stuff. Very much like Denny Crane said "Don't try to get inside my head. It's messy. You won't like it".

So, here I will dump all of the messy stuff and spare him the drama.

Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll try not to involve innocent characters in the play of my life when I can help it, but you should know, people really, REALLY irritate me for the most part.

I know, I know, take a pill. Well, I do. And everyone should be glad.

wow - a new thought. There's something in Revelation about wiping out 2/3 of the population. That could theoretically be caused by a break in the manufacturing process of Prozac. That could cause the disaster right there. If this 'economic crisis' gets much worse... the Walmart $4 plan might be discontinued for generic anti-depressants, and man... Those of you who know, KNOW... and those of you who think "whats the big deal", well... you'll go first.


But.. never fear... I'm happy and well-adjusted, properly medicated, yada yada.