Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's not really...

...that he doesn't want to hear what I have to say, it's more like he just has his own "stuff" and can't handle mine. That's not entirely a bad thing, but hey. I've got stuff. Very much like Denny Crane said "Don't try to get inside my head. It's messy. You won't like it".

So, here I will dump all of the messy stuff and spare him the drama.

Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll try not to involve innocent characters in the play of my life when I can help it, but you should know, people really, REALLY irritate me for the most part.

I know, I know, take a pill. Well, I do. And everyone should be glad.

wow - a new thought. There's something in Revelation about wiping out 2/3 of the population. That could theoretically be caused by a break in the manufacturing process of Prozac. That could cause the disaster right there. If this 'economic crisis' gets much worse... the Walmart $4 plan might be discontinued for generic anti-depressants, and man... Those of you who know, KNOW... and those of you who think "whats the big deal", well... you'll go first.


But.. never fear... I'm happy and well-adjusted, properly medicated, yada yada.