Thursday, January 28, 2010

whoa...its been a long time.

Jiminy crickets, it's been a while since my last blog. I reviewed my settings, and it seems I'm still the same person - just as described. Same life, same kids, same jobs... still me.

Somehow I feel I may be a more 'stressed' version of the old me. I'm getting older, parts aren't working like they once did, just breaking down in general and that sucks. Really bad. Oh, and the weight issue... it's just stacking on me the older I get. I (re-) started Weight Watchers this week. My goal is to lose sixty five pounds by the end of October. That's a pretty lofty goal I hear. It will take a sustained weight loss of two pounds per week - every week.

Right now, I believe I can do it. I'm tired of feeling like crap, being worn out and having a headache all the time. So far, since Tuesday...almost three days... I've been on plan and remaining encouraged. I can do this.

I was supposed to list ten things I can do instead of eat... I came up with nine during the meeting. Now I think I'll use blogging as the tenth thing. It's better than randomly eating cheetohs, right?

It's bedtime. Me and Ambien... a happy couple. Last night I was up at three and still up at four thirty. Too late to do anything about it, all I could do is wish I was sleeping. Tonight, I'm taking no chances.

Goodnight world, payroll tomorrow.